Quaderni di ricerca
Human mobility and cultural identies
Prezzo 30,00 €The aim of this volume is to add a multidisciplinary perspective in the studies of migration’s history, with each contribution viewing and analysing the phenomenon from different lens. Inspired by an international conference that produced rewarding generate in-depth dialogue between researchers working in fifteen countries around the globe, -
Women who made History Edited by Umberto Mondini
Prezzo 30,00 €In tribal communities the roles of the sexes are very well defined: men are expected to perform certain duties and women others. Neither of the two sexes are permitted to step outside these roles and doing so is condemned by strict taboos. Both are prohibited by sacred laws from carrying out certain tasks that fall to the opposite sex; it is also against the rules to use certain objects which have specific sexual connotations.
quaderni di ricerca
The victim as a cultural expression representation, perception, symbolism
Prezzo 25,00 €This volume is a collection of the papers from the first andsecond International Conference of Arts and Humanities.The first Arts and Humanities conference was held atAlexander College/University of the West of England inLarnaca, Cyprus (June 2017).A number of scholars from all over the world took part andtheir lectures are presented in the first part of this volume.
MOQOIT - Uno sguardo sulle minoranze etniche del Chaco argentino
Prezzo 0,00 €Questo libro redazionale abbraccia una ricerca iniziata negli anni Ottanta dal Professor Bamonte con ricercatori e studenti de “La Sapienza” Università di Roma tra i popoli indigeni del Chaco. La missione è poi stata ripresa nei primi anni del Duemila dal Professor Mondini e portata a termine con un gruppo di studentesse della Facoltà di Lettere
quaderni di ricerca
11 settembre. Le nuove rotte del terrorismo aereo
Prezzo 15,00 €