The victim as a cultural expression representation, perception, symbolism
This volume is a collection of the papers from the first andsecond International Conference of Arts and Humanities.The first Arts and Humanities conference was held atAlexander College/University of the West of England inLarnaca, Cyprus (June 2017).A number of scholars from all over the world took part andtheir lectures are presented in the first part of this volume.

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This volume is a collection of the papers from the first andsecond International Conference of Arts and Humanities.The first Arts and Humanities conference was held atAlexander College/University of the West of England inLarnaca, Cyprus (June 2017).A number of scholars from all over the world took part andtheir lectures are presented in the first part of this volume.The second Arts and Humanities conference took place atthe University of Cyprus, Nicosia (June 2018).The Conference was opened by the Rector of the University,Professor Constantinos Christofides, who not only welcomedthe speakers but also gave a “Lectio Magistralis” on the subjectof the victims of the Turkish invasion of Cyprus in 1974.On behalf of the Republic of Italy, His Excellency theAmbassador, Dr Andrea Cavallari, also gave a welcomingaddress.Dr Ioanna Hadjicosti, Director of the Bank of CyprusCultural Foundation, the official sponsor of the Conference,gave a welcoming speech and a welcome pack from theFoundation was presented to all participants.More than sixty scholars from universities in Europe,America and Asia participated in the various sessions. This volume includes only the articles which were receivedbefore the deadline and in accordance with the editorialregulations.